General Skills Mats
- General Skills #199005
- Turn for Angle #199380
- All the Grids #199245
- Joshua ISD #199445
- Counting & Targets #199160
Challenge and Competition Mats
- Country & City #199010
- Water #199000
- Suburbia #199710
- Knights of the Round Table #199390
- Bricked Drivers Course #199020
- Bricked Going Green #199440
- Grocery Store Trip #199270
- Space Challenge #199225
- BrickED Drivers Course #190020
- BrickED Going Green #199440
- Build & Battle #199745
- Advanced Robot Factory #199760
- Bee Maze #199720
- Beehive #199725
- Grocery Store Trip #199270
- Habitat Helpers #199750
- Mission to Mars #199770
- Natural Disaster #199437
- Robot Factory #199755
- Robot Rescue #199765
- Robotic Maze #199730
- Mars Mania #199742
- Sea Savers #199775
- Green Energy #199774
EV3 Introduction to Robotics
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix A (Geyer) #199095
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix A (LEGO) #199095
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix B (Geyer) #199100
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix B (LEGO) #199100
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix C (Geyer) #199105
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix C (LEGO) #199105
- EV3 Intro Mat Appendix D (LEGO) #199110
- EV3 Sports Arena #199165
- EV3 Space Challenge #199225