Third Grade Math Books

Third Grade Math Books

Third Grade Math Books

Third graders love learning from the books Geyer has to offer! Not only will students enjoy the activities that come with the books, but their math skills will grow. Soon enough, your kids' math proficiency will be at the next level. The Math Games book series takes the concepts third graders are supposed to learn before moving to the next level and puts it into a fun, engaging game. Our other books also cover the topics kids need to master before going to fourth grade. This includes: measuring length of objects, finding volume of different size boxes, accurately telling temperature on thermometer, identifying polygons from other shapes, explore equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles and much more! The Principles and Standards of Math Series come with task and drill practice problems, review, and a key. With this series students are able to feel confident in completing the work by themselves and get a smooth transition from third grade to fourth grade to fifth grade. 

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